Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Designing Trinidad Lookbook

my desk at work
 Hi everyone! Check out my post and behind the scenes look at designing Trinidad Lookbook's primer print magazine on my personal blog TanyaMarie and look out very soon for my new video post on Caribbean designers and what they're up to in our 'Designer Island' series.

Hope everyone's new year is going great so far!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

'POTHOUND (2011)' - A Short Film

I am not at all the kind of person you'd call a 'dog lover' I've never owned a pet in my life other that a few fish which as far as I'm concerned don't count. But this short film about a 'Pot Hound' by Chris and Lizelle Guiness. Two Trini born creatives, was too cool and too well done not to share and they're right 'Dogs are Cool'.

Take a look, share and adopt an animal from your local animal shelter 'pet lovers'!