Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Comitted To Caribbean Beauty- 'Immortelle Beauty' A Product of International Cosmetic Quality, Created for the Caribbean Woman...

In January 2011 I worked on the Identity, Branding and package Design for 'Immortelle Beauty' 

'Immortelle Beauty is  a newly formed Caribbean Cosmetic company. Immortelle Beauty strives to create elegant, safe, cost-effective, and efficacious products which appeal to all West Indian women. These products will be the bridge which connects the advanced European, Asian and North American cosmetic technologies with the Caribbean consumer. Quality products made with the Caribbean woman in mind....'

Kathryn Nurse, the creator and founder of Immortelle Beauty is a Trinidadian Woman 
to watch out for! Working with her to create her brand was an absolute joy as she was a fantastic client who like me did not see her self as limited to living on an island. Her aspirations, goals, wants, taste and expectations were tremendous. The aim was BEAUTIFUL and nothing less.

Abovegroup Ogilvy started work on this project in 2010 with an intensive brand analysis by the strategy team and then conceptualising the design began.
The colour palette and textures of Immortelle Beauty’s Brand was inspired by the ocean, beaches, plants; sugarcane plant, avocados, plum.
The aim was to create a brand that could easily rival any international brand but clearly was special and echoed tailored hints of the Caribbean.   

To read more about creating the brand for Immorettle Beauty go here

What do you think when you think about Local Brands?


  1. I thought it was quite interesting seeing this product. I applaud the innovation, and the design concept is great. Kudos all around

  2. this looks like it'll feeeeel nice on me.knowing too, that it was made just for me 'the caribbean woman' makes me more interested.

  3. I love the approach towards looking at the intricacies of our island's hidden gems which sadly tend to get overlooked. Too many people are focused on the bright primary colours, steelpan, hummingbird and hibiscus flowers. There's so much more to a 'Caribbean' feel.
    Keep up the good work

  4. There is so much more to it!

    Which is why, while I used to dread the term 'Caribbean Aesthetic' because I associated it with only palm trees and tie dye.
    I now embrace it and EXPAND ON IT because like a developing nation our aesthetic is developing beautifully as well! :)

  5. i love the subtle references to the caribbean in the design of the product. there were no coconut trees, no 'sun, sea and sand' but the immortelle tree is just as much a part of our Caribbean landscape. The colour palette as well as you said used clear references. the difference is this product could stand up next to revlon, clinique, estee lauder and look as chic and well designed and not cheap and cliched.

    i also don't think that EVERY product that comes out of the caribbean has to reference the caribbean in colour palette or design. it depends on the product, the audience and how it is to be used and even the personal aesthetic of the designer/artist.

  6. I Agree.

    Everything from the Caribbean doesn't need to look like it came from 'an island' It needs to appeal to it's target and it's target's sensibilities and be true to the product.

    In this case, 'Immortelle Beauty' was made for the Caribbean Woman, by the Caribbean woman and I think the client didn't just mean the Caribbean woman living here on an island but the woman who appeals to that idea of a 'Caribbean lifestyle' as well. In the sense of that when you want to wind down and relax and pamper yourself, feel like a mini 'Caribbean Retreat for your feet' :)
